
Century A century is a period of one hundred years. Example  – 19th century was the period from  1801 to 1900. – The 21st century is the current century in the Anno Domini or Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100.  It is the first century of the […]

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Axis, axes 

Axis, axes  Graphs and coordinate planes Graphs and coordinate planes have a horisontal axis and a vertical axis   Axis of symmetry An axis of symmetry (line of symmetry) devides a symmetrical objects in half https://2hpencil.com/2012/12/15/symmetry/ – butterfly   https://mathcurious.com/2020/04/08/symmetry-in-nature/ Draw symmetrical objects   Axes of coordinate In a coordinate system, there are usually two […]

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Integer Integers can be positive, negative, or zero. They are used to count things, measure distances, and represent quantities. Integers are also used in many mathematical formulas and equations. Here are some examples of integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … (positive integers) -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, … (negative integers) 0 (zero) Integers can […]

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Distance Distance between two points is the length of the line segment that connects the two points in a plane. A._______________________________________________________.B The distance between point and line is the shortest distance between the point and a point on the line.  The distance of a point from a line is the perpendicular line from the point to […]

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Asymmetry, Asymmetrical Asymmetry is having two sides or halves that are not the same.  – Does not have sides exactly the same. – One half is not a mirror reflection of the other.     https://venngage.com/design-dictionary/asymmetry-definition/ https://pixabay.com/vectors/background-abstract-background-2410617/ […]

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Ascending order

Ascending order Ascending means smallest to largest, 0 to 9.  Examples with Numbers The numbers 17, 9, 5, 33, 1,  234, 45 arranged in ascending order are 1, 5, 9, 17, 33, 45 234. Real life The people in ascending order of height (left to right).https://pixabay.com/illustrations/graphic-diagram-silhouette-woman-68871/ […]

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Subtraction Subtraction is the inverse of addition. Subtraction (which is signified by the minus sign −) is one of the four arithmetic operations along with addition, multiplication and division. Subtraction is an operation that represents removal of objects from a group. Example:  5 − 2 peaches, its meaning 5 peaches with 2 taken away, resulting […]

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