
Numerator Numerator is the part of a fraction that is above the line and signifies the number of parts selected or removed from the total number to be divided by the denominator.  […]

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Number Square or Square Number

Number Square or Square Number A square number is the result when a number has been multiplied by itself. Example: 25 is a square number because it is the result of multiplication 5 x 5. This is also written as 52 (“five squared”). 52 =5×5 =25 We can find the square numbers by multiplying each number by […]

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Number Number is a unit or a symbol that forms part of a system of counting and calculating, and that represents an amount or position in a series. The most basic examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11……and so on. In mathematics, the notion of number has been extended over […]

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Nine, nineteen, ninety

Nine, nineteen, ninety Nine (9) is a cardinal number, the next number after eight and before ten. 8<9<10 Nineteen (19) is a cardinal number, the next number after eighteen and before twenty. 18<19<20 Ninety (90) is a cardinal number, the next number after eighty nine 89<90 […]

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Negative number

Negative number A negative number is a number whose value is always less than zero and it has a minus (-) sign before it. On a number line, negative numbers are represented on the left side of zero. They can be integers, decimals, or fractions. For example: -7, -24, -3/5, -0.8 are termed as negative numbers.  Here […]

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Negative integer

Negative integer A negative integer is the opposite of a natural number. It is not a fraction or a decimal. It is a number whose value is always less than zero and it has a minus (-) sign before it.  For example, -3 and -5 are negative integers. On a number line, negative numbers are represented on the […]

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Natural number

Natural number Natural numbers are the numbers that are used for counting. Also called positive integers or counting numbers. Natural numbers are the numbers 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 etc., Here is a game: […]

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