
Multiplication Multiplication is the process of calculating the product of two or more numbers. The multiplication of numbers say, ‘a’ and ‘b’, is stated as ‘a’ multiplied by ‘b’. In Maths, the basic explanation of multiplication is adding a number, with respect to another number, repeatedly. Multiplication is the process of calculating the product of two […]

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Most, More

Most, More It is used when a quantity or number is bigger or larger than the second or the rest of the quantities or numbers. It states that one value is greater than or larger than or bigger than the other. The sign for more than is “>”. source of photo and examples […]

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Multiplication property

Multiplication property How many Properties of Multiplication are there? There are five basic properties of multiplication – the Associative property of multiplication, the Commutative property of multiplication, the Identity property of multiplication, the Distributive property of multiplication, and the Zero property of multiplication. Source of image and examples : […]

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Month A month is a unit of time used with calendars, that is approximately as long as a naturalor orbitalperiod of the Moon. […]

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Mass The mass of an object is how much it weighs and is usually measured in grams and kilograms. For example, the mass of a bag of sugar is 1 kilogram You can find examples HERE Units of weight: […]

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Minute Minutus is the Latin word for “small,” and it gave rise to both the adjective minute (my-NOOT), or incredibly small, and the noun minute (MIN-it), or 60 seconds of time. Though they are pronounced differently, both words refer to small measurements. Examples HERE photo was taken from HERE […]

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Mixed Fraction

Mixed Fraction A mixed fraction is a combination of a proper fraction and a whole number. Usually, it represents a number between any two. For instance, is a mixed fraction, where 2 is a whole number and 1/3 is a fraction, and together they form this subtype of fractions. Examples Here […]

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Mirror image

Mirror image Mirror image is the reflection of an image as it is seen through a mirror, when right becomes left and the opposite. A Vertical Axis is the helping point for the creation of the mirror image. It defines the absolute Symmetry. How to draw a Mirror Image : The same happens in […]

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Measurement Measurement is  the process of associating numbers with physical quantities and phenomena. Measurement is fundamental to the sciences; to engineering, construction, and other technical fields; and to almost all everyday activities. You can find many games for measurement HERE […]

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