

Capacity is the maximum amount that something can contain.

Capacity refers to the amount of liquid a container can hold, expressed in units like litres (L), millilitres (ml), etc.In mathematics, capacity means the same thing as volume.


                1 ml  = 1 cm3         

                 1 L = 1 dm3

millilitre, mL
litre, L
kilolitre, kL
megalitre, ML
gigalitre, GL

Capacity, Fluid Volume

10 millilitres = 1 centilitre
10 centilitres = 1 decilitre
10 decilitres = 1 litre
1000 litres = 1 kilolitre
1,000,000 litres = 1 megalitre
1,000,000,000 litres = 1 gigalitre

1 litre = 1000 millilitres
500 mL = 0,5 litre