Base, Base Ten System, Base - 10 blocks

Base  – 10 system, Base  –  10 blocks

Base ten is a system of counting that only has ten digits.

All numbers can be written using the individual numerals or digits 0 through 9.

If we want to have more than nine in one column, we must use the next column.

The Base-10 number system is known as the decimal system and has 10 digits to show all numbers


Using place value and a decimal point to separate whole numbers from decimal fractions.

Our counting and our money system are in base ten.

Base –  10 blocks





Task 1: Generate a Random Number

Task 2: Generate a Number and Enter Numbers in Correct Cells

Task 3: Generate a Decimal Number

Hundreds Tens Ones Decimal Point Tenths Hundredths Thousandths

Task 4: Generate a Decimal Number and Enter Numbers in Correct Cells

Hundreds Tens Ones Decimal Point Tenths Hundredths Thousandths