Surface area

Surface area Surface area is total area of the surface of a three-dimensional object measured in square units. Metric Units – Area 1 square metre = 10 000 square centimetres, cm2 1 hectare = 10 000 square metres, m2 1 square kilometre = 100 hectares, ha 1 square metre = 100 square decimetre, dm2 […]

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Temperature  Temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold something is.Temperature is measured with a thermometer and temperature is measured in degrees. Two common temperature scales are: Celsius scale (ºC) Fahrenheit scale (ºF) Celsius scale (ºC)  Fahrenheit scale (ºF)  0ºC – freezing point of water 100ºC – boiling point of water 37ºC – human body temperature […]

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Vertex, vertices

Vertex, vertices A vertex is a point where two straight lines or rays meet to form an angle, the edges of a solid figure meet and the corners of polygons and polyhedra are vertices. Vertices are found in angles, which are measured in degrees.                Pentagon Triangular Pyramid Rectangular […]

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Bar graph (column graph)

Bar graph (column graph) A bar graph is a graphical representation of data, quantities, or numbers using bars or strips. They are used to compare and contrast different types of data, frequencies, or other measures of distinct categories of data. A bar graph is a graph that uses horizontal or vertical bars to display countable data.   […]

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Plane, plane shapes

Plane, plane shapes Plane shapes are two-dimensional geometric figures: they have length and width but they have no depth. Plane shapes exist on a flat surface, known as a plane.  Here are some plane shapes examples: […]

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Operations  Operations of integers are all the mathematic acts that happen under defined conditions. In maths, there are 4 basic rules that can solve anything. These are Addition and Subtraction are inverse operations Multiplication and Division are inverse operations Integers mean a whole positive or negative number. But It can’t be both at the same […]

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Trapezium, trapezoid

Trapezium, trapezoid A trapezium (UK) or a trapezoid (US) A trapezium is a quadrilateral having two parallel sides of unequal length and the other two sides are non-parallel. The parallel sides of a trapezium are called bases (AD and DC or a and b) and the non-parallel sides of a trapezium are called legs (AD and […]

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