Rubriik: Uncategorized
Double bar graph
Α picture showing information using two bars besides each otherat various heights. […]
If one number can be divided into another number without anyleftovers, we say it’s divisible. Here is an example: https://wordwall.net/embed/9e8e5a16f6f74ae0aada8504873e633d?themeId=21&templateId=35&fontStackId=0 […]
A way to measure angles, like how much a door is open. […]
Greet Theta
Positiivne arv, positiivne täisarvTemperatuur […]
Incircle, incentre, inradius
Incircle, incentre, inradius -An incircle is a closed plane curve whose points are equidistant from another point located inside it, called centre. -An incentre is the point from which all points are equidistant. -An inradius is a linear segment joining any point on the circumference or the surface of a sphere with its centre. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEOa_WUoItY […]