Whole number A whole number is a any number between zero to infinity, not including decimals or fractions. Whole numbers cannot be negative. The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …. are all whole numbers. Numbers such as -6, 3.7, or 8 ½ are not whole numbers. Auston B Cron , […]
Etiqueta: Greek Alpha
Ángulo obtuso
Ángulo obtuso Un ángulo obtuso es un ángulo que mide más de 90 grados (90°) pero menos de 180 grados (180°). Un ángulo obtuso tiene el siguiente aspecto: Aquí puedes dibujar ángulos con Geogebra https://www.geogebra.org/m/scavsujt […]
Value In math, value is a number signifying the result of a calculation or function. Examples: The value of 4 x 6 is 24 The value of x + y if x = 6 and y = 3 is 9. y=2x + 3, the value of y if x = 4 is 11 ( y = 2 · […]
Numerator Numerator is the part of a fraction that is above the line and signifies the number of parts selected or removed from the total number to be divided by the denominator. […]
Number Number is a unit or a symbol that forms part of a system of counting and calculating, and that represents an amount or position in a series. The most basic examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11……and so on. In mathematics, the notion of number has been extended over […]
Obtuse triangle
Obtuse triangle An obtuse triangle or obtuse-angled triangle is a type of triangle that has one obtuse (greater than 90°) angle. As the sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is 180°, an obtuse-angled triangle has one obtuse angle and two acute angles (less than 90° each). An obtuse triangle is like this: […]
Negative number
Negative number A negative number is a number whose value is always less than zero and it has a minus (-) sign before it. On a number line, negative numbers are represented on the left side of zero. They can be integers, decimals, or fractions. For example: -7, -24, -3/5, -0.8 are termed as negative numbers. Here […]
Negative integer
Negative integer A negative integer is the opposite of a natural number. It is not a fraction or a decimal. It is a number whose value is always less than zero and it has a minus (-) sign before it. For example, -3 and -5 are negative integers. On a number line, negative numbers are represented on the […]
Counting Numbers
Counting Numbers Counting is understanding how many things there are in a group. A counting number is any number in the list { 1, 2, 3, 4, … }. Used for counting 1, 2, 3…. or ordering 1st, 2nd, 3rd… Counting numbers are more often called the natural numbers. The symbol N represents the set of natural numbers.N{ 1, […]
Propiedad conmutativa
Propiedad conmutativa La definición de propiedad conmutativa establece que cuando sumamos o multiplicamos dos números, el valor resultante sigue siendo el mismo, incluso si cambiamos la posición de los dos números. Significa que puedes intercambiar números y seguir obteniendo el mismo resultado cuando sumas o multiplicas. Ejemplos: Addition Multiplication a + b = b + […]