Distributive law

Distributive law

Distributive law relating the operations of multiplication over addition or subtraction

stated symbolically as a(b + c) = ab + ac or a(b – c) = ab – ac

that is, the number a is distributed, or separately applied, to each term of the numbers b + c or b – c

resulting in the product ab + ac or ab – ac

Examples: 3x (7+4) = 3x7 + 3x4= 21+12 =33 or 6x (9-5) = 6x9 – 6x5= 54-30 =24

24 = 8 × (20 + 4)= (8 × 20) + (8 × 4)= 160 + 32= 192

Here is a game relatingto Distributive law :
