Units of speed

Units of speed

Speed is a measure of how fast something is travelling. Speed is distance divided by time.

The most common units of speed are metres per second (m/s), kilometres per hour (km/h) and
miles per hour (mph)

The formula for speed is speed = distance ÷ time.
To work out what the units are for speed, you need to know the units for distance and time.

Distance = speed x time

Time = Distance ÷ speed


The trip is 2 hour and 180 km are driven evenly. What is the driving speed?

Speed = 180 :  2 = 90 kilometres per hour (km/h)

Melissa Teo , LicenseCC-BY-SAGeoGebra Terms of Use


Yoong Kheong , LicenseCC-BY-SAGeoGebra Terms of Use

Mr_Stewart_Maths, LicenseCC-BY-SAGeoGebra Terms of Use